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Community engagement in the Caribbean

17 Port and Maritime Regiment is undertaking important community engagement work whilst onboard RFA MOUNTS BAY augmenting the Atlantic Patrol Task (North).

The aim is to build relationships with local communities and spread wider awareness of the ship’s role at the start of the hurricane season in the Caribbean.

On Montserrat, LCpl Owen from the Regt has recently led a class in Man-Overboard-Drills for a local youth snorkel club operating out of small boats around Little Bay.

During a port stop in Curacao, Pte Eastlake from 165 Regt organised a beach cleanup and grading in Tugboat Cove; a popular site for divers and snorkelers on the island.

A detachment from the unit, organised by Pte Guthrie, has visited the Commonwealth War Graves in Willemstad, Curacao. Soldiers assisted in cleaning and tidying the grave site and then took part in a wreath laying ceremony.