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MGL’s reading list – Don’t be out-thought

To help the soldiers and officers of The RLC, develop professionally, The RLC Foundation has compiled a comprehensive Master General of Logistics’ reading list.

“To ensure that the British Army is not out-fought in any future conflict, HMG directs resources to help deliver the means for conducting successful operations.  To ensure that the Army is not out-thought however requires a different strategy.  Whilst every effort is provided to deliver comprehensive functional, operational and tactical training, it is incumbent that soldiers develop a personal interest in their chosen profession.  For those wishing to improve their professional knowledge and communication skills, this reading list, sponsored by the RLC Foundation, has been carefully selected to help guide an informal, yet comprehensive self-study programme.  These thought-provoking publications have been chosen to develop critical analytical skills by offering entry points to a broad range of topics which have been carefully categorised into pertinent themes.  The list is not, and cannot be exhaustive, but to remain relevant, it will be reviewed annually.  To ensure this, selected members of the RLC from across the ranks, academia and industry will be invited to publish regular book reviews throughout the year in the Sustainer, The RLC Review and via the RLC Foundation website.  Publications which attract positive critical acclaim will be considered for inclusion on the List.  To this end, the Foundation welcomes suggestions for new submissions. The large majority of the listed publications can be obtained on loan to serving personnel from The Prince Consort’s Army Library in Aldershot.    I commend this learning opportunity to every member of the RLC.” Lt Gen Sir Mark Poffley KCB OBE

You can download the reading list in PDF format HERE