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Due to the restrictions as a result of COVID-19, The RLC Late Entry Officer Commissioning Assessment Board (LEOCAB) will now take place over the periods 9 – 12 and 13 – 16 September, in Grantham Station.

Candidates who have applied will be notified in early August as to whether they have been invited to attend and to which course. In the meantime, it is encouraged that applicants continue in their preparations, seeking advice from their Chain of Command as well as their local Army Education Centre.

This year’s LEOCAB will be run as a pilot course as part of Programme CASTLE, the Chief of the General Staff-sponsored programme working to transform the Army’s ‘People System’ and whilst there will be changes to previous years, the standard still remains the same.

For more information, please contact Captain Joe Currie:

The Royal Logistic Corps

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The Royal Logistic Corps

The Royal Logistic Corps is with The Veterans Charity and 2 others.
The Royal Logistic Corps
Uncharted - The Journey of a Military Chef is here!We’re beyond proud of RLC soldier Cpl Jaden Dunn, who has launched his very first cookbook to support two incredible causes, The Veteran Charity and The Burnt Chef ProjectThis isn’t just a cookbook – it’s a mission. A mission to help veterans facing hardship and distress, and to break the stigma around mental health in the culinary world, especially for our service chefs. With profits from Uncharted, we’re funding mental health support and building better networks for those transitioning out of military life. Let’s not forget: over 3,000 veterans are currently sleeping rough in London alone. This book represents hope, community, and action. Grab your copy today and be part of the change. Together, we can make a difference for our veterans and service chefs. To find out more information, DM us! ... See MoreSee Less
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