The brand new RLC Museum at Worthy Down is due to open in May 2021. Part of the museum will house a temporary, six-month, exhibition.
The first temporary exhibition, which is due to run from May – December 2021, is ‘The Art of War’. It is a display of art and poetry produced by RLC soldiers and members of the Forming Corps. The Museum is already in receipt of some excellent pieces of work, including poems dating back to the Crimean War of 1855 and trench art, in addition to cartoons and poetry from the two World Wars.
Museum Director, Major (Retd) Simon Walmsley MBA MA, is now looking for more contemporary exhibits to add to the exhibition, from serving and former members of the Corps. The types of artwork that can be submitted include:

· Sketches
· Paintings
· Cartoons
· Needlework
· Wood work
· Metal work
· Poetry
The Museum is particularly interested in work using battlefield objects, such as shell casings and pieces produced on operations.
If you or somebody that you know has any artwork that could be contributed, either on loan or as a donation, please get in touch with the museum by emailing:

See What The RLC Has Been Up To
The Royal Logistic Corps
The Royal Logistic Corps
The Royal Logistic Corps