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Six mile challenge for the NHS

6 Regiment RLC is supporting NHS frontline workers by encouraging its soldiers to run six miles to raise money for the Covid-19 Appeal.

The #6Regt6MileChallengeNHS is encouraging troops to have a go at running, walking or cycling six miles while donating £6 to the NHS Charities Together Campaign. Then they are asked to nominate six colleagues to take up the challenge on Facebook.

It’s a challenge that can even be completed with the kids in tow either in one go, or over a couple of days (if they’re particularly slow at walking)!

The hope is that all the endorphins created while doing the challenge will help everyone’s mental, as well as physical health, plus raise money to help this great cause.

The challenge is the brain child of Sgt Heredia of 62 Sqn, who initially ran the distance of six miles around his local town of Blackburn & Darwen in March.

Well done 6 Regiment! #Team6

The Royal Logistic Corps

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