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Community & Support

Supporting our serving soldiers, veterans and their families is a top priority. See how The RLC Charity can help.

The Royal Logistic Corps Charity (formerly The RLC Association Trust) is the newly formed Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) that exists to support and fund the activities of the Corps. This includes funding Benevolence activities to support Service Personnel, Veterans and their families, Corps Heritage and Public Benefit activities, Sport and Adventure Training and Regimental Assistance.

View the 2022 RLC Charity Impact Report

We can also offer signposting and guidance to all personnel in relation to Welfare, Benevolence and those Transitioning out of the Army.

The Royal Logistic Corps is ‘Centurys Old and Decades New’. The wealth of history and experience inherited from our Forming Corps, in addition to the professionalism and dedication of our serving officers and soldiers, makes the Corps what it is today.

HRH The Princess Royal sits at the head of the Corps family as Colonel in Chief and we are honoured and thankful that she supports us in all our endeavours.

The RLC Association

All serving officers and soldiers are automatically members of The RLC Association. Membership is open to all serving members of the Reserve and anyone who have served in The RLC or its Forming Corps.

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