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The National Citizen Scheme

A group of Sutton students recently spent an afternoon visiting their local Army Reserve Centre at Stonecot Hill, Sutton.

The students which are aged between 15 and 17 are all taking part in the National Citizen Service (NCS).  The NCS is a once’in-a-lifetime part-residential experience open to young people across England and Northern Ireland. The programme helps young people build skills for work and life while taking on exciting challenges, making new friends and contributing to their community.

During the visit to 210 Squadron, which is part of 151 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps, the students were introduced to a professional military environment where they got to meet Officers and soldiers and deliver a presentation to a panel of Army ‘Dragons’. The students presented a campaign idea that they had designed and created around a social action project and pitched their idea to a panel, which in turn provided feedback to the group.

Phoebe Grudzinskas, one of the Challenge co-ordinators, said, “The group were really excited to meet the Army and present to the Military Dragons.  The group were motivated by the feedback given and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.”

Capt D Gregory MBE, who helped co-ordinate the visit, said, “The group had a well thought out plan and delivered their presentation professionally.  Collectively, the group had a constructive answer to every thought process challenged by the military panel. The exercise clearly demonstrated the group’s ability to plan and work as a team. These qualities are equally sought after in the Army.”

After the presentation students were introduced to a range of vehicles used by the Royal Logistic Corps and were provided information about the life skills and sports opportunities available in the Army.

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151 Regt’s capabilities are explained to local students on the National Citizen Scheme.

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The students had to pitch to a panel of fearsome dragons in a gruelling presentation.